Home International Tepito: in this street they sell a small package, from 5 pesos

Tepito: in this street they sell a small package, from 5 pesos

by Trend News
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Are you looking for an expansion of your wardrobe, but don’t you know very well where to find different things to what you always buy? This may be one of the most diverse options that currently exist tiendas online whence they sell varied stuffbut it has its own possibilities, such as bad materials, incorrect numbers, etc.

The truth alternative to your problems they could be the tianguis, but in a very specific way, the tianguis de paca hence the stuff will be very cheap, and there will be an infinite catalog of cases to choose from. One of the most famous is located in the Tepito market, the Barrio Bravo of the City of Mexico.

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What can you find in a peace market?

Please go to places like Tenochtitlan to find good offers. Credit: YouTube / Karem Vizcarra

The main thing in a pacas market is clothes of all types, colours, styles or eras. Some takes are used, from there, but also have sheep of new piezas, even some imported with brands that no one expects to encounter in a tianguis. Meet me playeras, shirtssweaters, blousestops, trouserslayers, dressesshorts, chamarrasabrigos, chalecos y hasta interior clothes, calcetascalcetines. It is also common to encounter shoes.

In the packages you can also find products that are not good. For example, some accessories as jeweleryaretes or collaresdark lenses, pulseras or hair dryers, etcetera. Also there are things for the house, from some vajillas of different materials, hasta vasescarpetas, small mueblesmesitas or lamps and squares for the wall.

If you’re looking for a bit of technology, then you’ll find some reproducers of DVDBlue Ray or small ones foreignsome discman, iPods of various eras, carriers For your cell phone, some originals and in good conditions. You can also keep warm with audiophones and at least half a day smartphones or consolas de videogames.

You can get it from 10 pesos. Credit: YouTube / Karem Vizcarra

Calles de las pacas en Tepito | MAP

There are some streets perfectly located as those responsible for housing all these places of ropa de paca really cheated. Sometimes with a little use, others completely new, even imported. You can find brands of great recognition throughout the world ridiculously low pricesalso have clones, of course.

Included are brands of clothes from commercial stores like this Bershka, Cuidado con el Perro, GAP, Calvin Klein, Zara and from there, I ask you from there Shein. It is truly difficult to encounter take one that you like and there adequate sizeyou can buy branded stuff, only hay a pieceit doesn’t exist catalog de colours ni de medidas.

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And the noises are completely certain. There’s stuff that goes after 10 pesos (including menos), up to 100 or 200 pesos. It will depend on the brand you buy, as well as the size, the length of time you use it or whether it is a new piece, of the type (shirt, trousers, player, shoe or shortsetcetera) along with the money that will be the seller’s money.

You can locate them on the following map, which includes the streets:

  • Tenochtitlan
  • Matamoros
  • Constancia
  • Rivero

How do I go to Tepito?

Tepito está abierto de miércoles al monas. The first few items usually appear on the list at 9 or 10 o’clock in the morning, mainly those that are eaten among others. From the 11th there are lists in the majority and from the late 5:00 the chelerías begin to appear. At 6:00 late every day and look for 7:00 at night if you don’t have any questions. Tuesdays will close the doors.

You can go to the street of las pacas across the street Metro Lagunilla on Line Bbut the most they look for will be in the station Peralvillo of the Metrobus on Line 7. Even if you have some public stations, the most recommended thing is to sit there and go to the market.

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